How to Debur a Laser Cut Hole

If you’ve recently received one of our tables, you might notice that the underside of the laser-cut holes have a slight burr (or you may never notice). This burr is just a tiny rough edge that surrounds the hole, and in 99.9% of all cases it has no bearing on your life. What you will usually notice is that the first time you push a tool into the hole it might take a little extra force to push the burr out, but after that the hole is just normal.

If you run into a hole where the burr seems particularly rough there’s a simple fix, and it doesn’t require any specialized skills—just a handy deburring tool. And by the way, you can use the same tool to deburr straight edges as well for anything you ever cut. Here’s a quick rundown of some tools that can help you get those holes perfectly smooth:

  1. Pocket Debur Tool: Noga TB1000 – Teddy Burr Deburring Tool (2 Pcs.)
    • This little guy is great for quick fixes. It’s compact, so you can easily carry it around and take care of any burrs as soon as you notice them. Doing the bottom edge on a hole with this tool, or the next tool, is a little more of a chore because you have to kind of angle things weird. The easy way is to just do it from under the surface, if you feel like getting down there.
  2. Handheld Debur Tool: Noga Heavy Duty Deburr Tool, with 3 Blades
    • This is the bigger brother to the pocket deburr tool. It comes with three extra blades.
  3. Extra Blades: 10Pcs NOGA BS1010 S10 Swivel Blades
    • It’s always good to have spare blades on hand. These are perfect for when your current blade starts to dull after a lot of use.
  4. Reversible Countersink (Range: 10 – 22 mm): Noga RC2200 Large Reversible Deburring Tool Holder Set
    • This one’s my favorite. This tool can be inserted through the hole, then opens up to do the underside. GENIUS! The one I’ve linked to here is the largest size, which covers the 16mm holes we cut. They also have smaller versions.
  5. Extra Blades: NOGA R3 Blade BR3001
    • These are the specific spare blades for the RC2200.

Demo Video

This video will show all of those deburring methods in action, plus a bunch of others I didn’t cover.

YouTube video

Deburring is a quick and easy process. Simply run the tool around the inside of the hole a few times, and those rough edges should disappear. This will make inserting tools into your table holes smoother and hassle-free.

Happy deburring! And remember, we’re always here to help if you have any questions or need further assistance.

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