Rated 2 out of 5
David W. Hill
August 14, 2024 I love these for stops and being able to adjust and tighten down into place. But the 1hole on the end is distorted so that I can not get a ball lock pin into it. This was the first email I sent to John on 6/6/24. I speculated the hole was cut first and then the whole piece is put into a break and bent and when this happens it distorts the hole. I was able to clamp and center in my bridgeport and chase with a 16mm reamer. I then had to square up the front side as it was not square to the work. I milled down the front and then cleaned up with had file to make square. I had to do this to all 8 of my sliding stops. I am also having to file down the "bulge" created at the bend/crease so that I can have a complete flat side on vertical and horizontal sides of the sliding clamps to be able to use as a squared flat stop,
This is me fine tuning the tooling for my use/purpose and getting to know my tooling. Not that you should, but the hole should definitely be reamed out to fit the 16mm tooling you sell to go with this table.