Leave A Review!
Thanks for visiting our Review page! We put this up as a shortcut to allow our clients a quick and easy way to figure out how to leave a review. We are absolutely dependent on our customers sharing the good news, so we hope you’ll take a moment to let other’s know how your experience went with your recent purchase.
Google Maps
One of the best spots to leave us a review is on Google Maps. (Well, at least that’s one place where we can actually see them and share them with the team!) You can drop a quick review by following this link:
Product Pages
Another spot that really helps people is actually on the product page. Each of our product pages has a Review section at the bottom of the page. It’s actually labeled “Discussion”. You can select the number of stars you think the product is worth, leave a written description, and even attach some photos (which REALLY helps!).
Thanks Again!
Again, on behalf of the entire team, we want to thank you for your purchase and let you know how much we value you as a customer!