Our Weld Table Super Slot Panels conveniently mount between the narrow-side weld table legs to create unlimited storage possibilities. Measuring 58″ wide and 15″ tall, our 70″ Table Width Super Slot Panels can be used with our 70″ x 140″ Weld Tables. Experienced welders/fabricators keep tools at their fingertips — our Super Slots help!
We start by laser cutting 16 gauge steel to the perfect size, then precision bend the sides before they’re off to powder coating. These rigid panels create limitless storage and organization possibilities under your Texas Metal Works table!
We’ve integrated Super Slots into our entire Weld Table lineup, our (Gen 2 and beyond) Weld Table Extension and beyond, and our Super Slot Wall Panels. Mix and match our bins, hooks, tool storage, shelves, and more to customize your work surface. All Super Slot Products are interchangeable with our welding tables and Super Slot Panels, so organization travels with you!
Organization knows no bounds – from table to super slot panels and back. Keep your tools close!
Keep an eye out for upcoming new Super Slot products and let us know if you have an idea or need.